Master the Blueprint for Breakthrough Innovation


DESIGN THINKING FOR EDUCATORS who are in great demand worldwide across industries, academia, training & development, etc. WEICI INDIA is building a better and brighter future for all learner & committed to provide better education across the globe. Design thinking is a mindset. It is the confidence that everyone can be part of creating a more desirable future, and a process to take action when faced with a difficult challenge. That kind of optimism is well needed in education. Classrooms and schools across the world are facing design challenges every single day, from teacher feedback systems to daily schedules. Wherever they fall on the spectrum of scale – the challenges educators are confronted with are real, complex, and varied. And as such, they require new perspectives, new tools, and new approaches. Design thinking is one of them.


Is a design thinking certificate worth it?

A Design Thinking Certificate is an excellent way to improve your career prospects and set yourself apart from the competition.
If you’re looking for a way to improve your problem solving, creativity and collaboration skills , then a design thinking certificate is the way to go.



Apply to secure one of our limited spots on the International Junior Coach Team!
With completion of our program you can call yourself „Design Thinking Coach“ and become a multiplier of the methodology in your professional and private life.


How does the Training of Design Thinking Programme works?

The concept of Design Thinking consists of two modules.
In a three-day learning phase, international innovation talents and lecturers from local universities are trained as Design Thinking coaches. During the practical phase, our Impact Week Challenge, the trained coaches apply their new skills and help students identify challenges within their respective societies and solve them using innovative business models. Upon completion of the program, you will be a trained coach who has already applied the methodology. You’ll gain key skills through Design Thinking, such as innovation, customer focus, and implementation orientation.

What are the focus areas for challenges?

Each participating team will work on one focus area. The students can choose their focus area in the application process and get matched accordingly. Then it is up to them to own the challenge and create an innovative idea to tackle it – always keeping the Design Thinking methodology at heart. We will update the challenges once they are determined.

Program Overview

The EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME IN DESIGN THINKING FOR EDUCATORS is 7-Days Residential Program conducted in Mumbai Starting in May 2023. We will create an innovative learning experience for educators, academicians & professional minds.

What Does This Program Cover?

  • Corporate Leader and Firm Value
  • Perspectives onManagerial Economics ( Macro and Micro )
  • Individual Dimensions
  • Finance for Corporate Leaders
  • Leadership Communication
  • Perspectives on Group Dimensions
  • Strategic Management
  • Problem Structuring and Decision Making
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Strategic HR
  • Legal Aspects of Business
  • Assessing and Creating Customer Value
  • Operations Strategy
  • Competing through Business Models
  • Brand and Product Management
  • Digital Strategies for Marketing and Sales
  • Strategic Agility and Resilience
  • Analytics and Strategic Decision Making

Evaluation & Certification

The methodology would include continuous evaluation through quizzes, assignments, tests, and examinations. Participants are required to score minimum marks/grades as decided by the Institute from time to time to complete the course.


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